v0.90; The next version should be on
Second "big public release". I Added a mini-map when
you pause the game; it enables you to see the location and orientation
of all the ennemies (idea by naPO and Jacek Wnuk). You get a new
life every 20000 points. The game now starts easy and gets harder.
You receive a new POW switch every five round.
New demo. M4r10 is now v0.80 =)
Among the things I programmed, there's the Highest Score and Level
achieved, ennemies go in and out the pipes with an animation,
manual scrolling is improved, there's a new menu.
Not much really, but it took me a long
time to do it nonetheless.
To correct a pretty complex bug, I commented
out 90% of my code and started to test every function. While I
was at it, I reorganized lot's of stuff. The code is easier to
read and maintain now.
For instance, I went from
to this:
So now I am pround to say that m4r10 is known-bug-free!
Also, slipices can freeze the ground, icicles now kill, you can
finish the levels, the coins that go out of the pipes are masked
and the menu is nearly done.
Because I am in a bad mood, I made the
collision rectangles bigger; you die more easily :D I changed
the way I detect collisions, and now detect the collisions with
the fireball. I also made this useful piece of code:
#define BOUNDS_COLLIDE_ANY_SIZE(x1,y1,w1,h1,x2,y2,w2,h2)\
which is inspired by ExtGraph's BOUNDS_COLLIDE:
#define BOUNDS_COLLIDE(x0,y0,x1,y1,w,h)\
it's 5 AM now, and I have
an exam at 10 AM. I think it's time to sleep a bit ^^
I can't remember all the things I added since the 2005/05/20,
but I am gonna try anyway:
2005/05/16. All
the sprites:

2005/05/15. Demo
released: Download.
(I have programmed a lot this week)
2005/05/01. Sprites
I am starting to see the end of the project.. finally!
2005/04/27. Sprites
(every time I say I ripped something new
means that I implemented those sprites into the game.
2005/04/22. Sprites
2005/04/07. Sprites

faut pas que j'oublie de virer le ' ™'
:) |
Today I am going to work on mario's inertia and the little cloud
of dirt that is drawn when he change direction:

2005/02/25. Sprites
2005/02/12. Fun
with the tilemap engine.
The early tests on a real calc are encouraging. The Tilemap engine
is fast :) I started ripping some sprites:
I talked with sasume on a way to implement an efficient way to
animate some tiles. The Tilemap engine assumes you aren't going
to animate some tiles every frame. Unfortunately, I do, and letting
the Tilemap engine do the work is not an option. Anyway, we came
up with a pretty good solution, so it is not a problem anymore.
I'll tackle the collision detection soon.
2005/02/09. Starting
new project.
This game should be a mario bros like game using the tilemap
engine. That's all I know for now. I replayed this game a lot,
and discovered by playing the game a lot lot's of little weird
stuff that happens while playing. For instance when you jump while
running, you jump higher. Also, there's a small amount of inertia.