Warning (not a warning after all =) - 2005/04/15 |

No I haven't finished Bomber Dude and most importantly, I am
not changing Bomber Dude's graphics. That was a (10 days late)
April Fool's joke. The fake screenshot comes from a very very
early version.
Now here's the important news: don't make new Bomber
Dude levels with the editor as they will not be fully
compatible with the next version of Bomber Dude. They will work,
but they won't show the correct graphics in the preview.
[update] Because I am an extremely lucky guy, putting "unsigned
char" instead of "char" in the code doesn't make
the older levels look different. So go ahead, make new
Bomber Dude Levels :D
oh, I uploaded the code of
Xtetris (not the game, because the game isn't worth playing).


Bomber Dude v1.00 - 2005/04/10 |

I finally finished Bomber Dude! I changed all the graphics, changed
the way the bomb explodes and removed the scrolling:

I will upload the game in a couple of days!


Progress made with Mar10 - 2005/04/07 |

I am programming Mar10 again, but this time with a plan.


v2.01 - 2005/03/30 |

A beta of Aspirin2 is finished. It's just a multiplayer version
of Aspirin.


MrWorm v2.01 - 2005/03/16 |

Uploaded MrWorm v2.01. This version is much better than the last



introducing Mar10 - 2005/03/16 |

I found a name for my mario: Mar10,
M4r10 is a little too much I think. Maybe M4ri0. Not sure yet


*pause* - 2005/03/12 |

I need good grades, so I'll try to program less for a while.
(that means no Mario update for some time ><)
Sorry :)


Some progress made - 2005/02/25 |

Ripped lot's of sprites -> pretty game. You can now flip the
ennemies. The next step is going to code the collision detection
between the ennemies and between the player. This part is going
to be pretty hard to do (I am affraid a simple algorithm is to
slow for the calc)


No screenshot untill I make a playable version! - 2005/02/18 |

I was about to put a screenshot to show off the perfect collision
detection system (at least better than Nintendo's one) and the
nice graphics, but I wouldn't want anybody to be disapointed if
I didn't finish the game. I won't put any screenshot untill I
release a beta. On an other note: the game is coming together
much faster than I anticipated.
That's all I wanted to say ^^


Found my 89! - 2005/02/12 |

YAY, I found my 89 and some batteries too! Finally could test
some of my programs. I discovered that Mr Worm v2.0 was very slow
on the a real calc, so I removed it from the archive :(
I made some progress on Mario?. See appropriate
section for more info.


Here we go again - 2005/02/09 |

I think Bomber Dude is almost finished (don't be fooled by the
<1 version number). I'll ask for a news on ti-gen and upload
the latest version of Bomber Dude at ticalc.org when I will finally
be able to test it on my calc.
I am starting a new project: "Mario?". I'll think
of a name if I ever make a release =). The game should be based
Mario Bros, and will use the Tilemap
engine by Sasume. BTW, the only thing I have an idea of how
to code is the collision detection. Heh, this is gonna be fun.
The progress will be very slow, I am busy playing hl2 dm :p


Mr Worm's Lifting - 2005/01/26 |

I started "lifting" some of my old games and
I am starting with Mr Worm. For starters I am not using
floats anymore. Also, when the program is launched there's
no delay so you can play immediatly instead of having to
wait a couple of 10th of seconds ;) . The game doesn't use
greyscale anymore and the menu is from the AMS. Finally,
I added a real high score table (there's your name and everything
in it...).


Language switch - 2005/01/23 |

The website
is now in English! I just realized French wasn't the only
language in the world :p |


du nouveau projet ! -2005/01/ 20 |

Comme j'avais prédit, ce que j'ai programmé
est injouable:

Tant pis.


d'un éventuel nouveau projet ! - 2005/01/19 |

Je m'ennuie. Heuresement,
j'ai eu une idée de "nouveau" programme:
un tétris ! Huhu, ça va être un tétris
à ma sauce bien sûr et donc un poil différent.
Je doute malheuresement que ce sera fun :( Je vais mettre
un screenshot dès que qlqchose de visible sera fait.
(oui j'ai déja commencé à le programmer)
Je reconnais que cette "news" est plutôt
vague, mais il faut bien commencer à le remplir ce
site :D


Dude - 2005/01/18 |

C'est pas une avant première
mais c'est quand même récent: je sort une nouvelle
version de Bomber Dude. Il y a pleins de nouveauté:
2 maps supplémentaires, 1 bonus en plus, 3 options
supplémentaires (dont "limited time"), et
éditeur de niveaux externes.

Notez les block qui tombent (chaud à
faire ça ^^). |



de mon site! - 2005/01/17 |

Grace à geogeo, j'ai maintenant un super site perso
hébergé par tigen.org ! Trop cool :). Je vais
pouvoir dire au monde entier l'avancement de mes programmes
pour TI, en avant première |

